Friv Games Haunt the House Remake -

Friv Games Haunt the House Remake

Madessa Vanison
Views: 1973
Like: 5
just so you know
i madelaine darkchaser
and amber yellowhair
have changed our names:
Me=Madison Revive
Amber=Vanessa Revive
WE’RE LIKE SISTER BUT WE AREN’T!! :DD WE’RE REALLY BEST FRIENDS IN GAME AND OUT…soo yeah. we’re not really sisters we’re just best friends who changed our last names so it looks like we are sisters…[awkwardd]
and i obviously don’t care if you steal our last name like “sarah revive” or “abby revive”. you can admit all you want that the last name “revive” was your idea. we know exactly that it was our idea, not yours.